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Ogłoszenie z dnia 2023-05-29
Tytuł ogłoszenia:We are a foundation for people with disabilities for sick artists musicians people art culture sport recreation positive people and we would like to organize concerts music events cultural sports
Ogłoszenie dodane przez:camilvoice@yahoo.com
Data dodania:2023-05-29 18:35
We are a foundation for people with disabilities for sick artists musicians people art culture sport recreation positive people and we would like to organize concerts music events cultural sports
0.00 zł
Treść ogłoszenia:
We are a foundation for people with disabilities for sick artists musicians people art culture sport recreation positive people and we would like to organize concerts music events cultural sports educational entertainment relaxation to activate sick musicians artists artists people of good will we are currently playing for charity for children of the cosmos community and others that's why we would like to get charity sponsors people from the world and space and higher authorities and governments and beings, we ask you to understand the situation of dreams of sick children hurt by fate and other people mentioned above with high potential talent talent imagination but without adequate finance people wisdom prayers and higher powers god protecting angels their dreams and health talents will be wasted in nothingness so we ask you with all your heart to support our activities so that we can help ourselves and others organize beautiful art culture music artistry for the sake of improving the quality of society bringing normality to life in poland in europe in the world and in space kamil wojtun camil voice musician artist custodian of the art of music ill people harmed by fate good!!! artistic programme
data of the administrator of the foundation for artistic activities of the culture program Kamil Wojtun Niedziela ACCOUNT PL 22 1160*******000 0002 9401 0803 DOBRZECHOW 420 STRZYZOW 38-100 POLAND 48 PL PEKAO S.A.SWIFT: PKOPPLPWPELNOMOCNIK MALGORZATA WOJTUN MOTYKA ACCOUNT PL 23 1240 2672*** ****000 3266 2298 PEKAO S A SWIFT PKOPPLPW DOBRZECHOW 420 38 100 STRZYZOW POLAND 48
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